A dental bridge fills the gap created by one or more missing teeth and is fixed on anchoring teeth on either side of the open space. A bridge consists of two or more crowns that fit on the anchoring teeth and a false tooth or teeth in between.


John takes light photos to determine the position and colour of the missing tooth and an impression is made in collaboration with your dentist. This Impression is used to make a model on which the bridge will be made. Then the dentist will determine how the teeth and molars of your upper and lower jaw fit together, this is called occlusal assessment. The colour will also be determined as to your wishes. Because the bridge cannot be made the same day, the dentist will provide an temporary bridge. When the bridge is ready, it will be fixed by your dentist using cement.


The cost for manufacturing a dental bridge are budgeted to measure in collaboration with your dentist since every patient has a unique set of teeth and individual wishes.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call us on 010-3118040.

We prepare a tailor-made budget for each treatment in advance. Contact your health care provider for any reimbursements. These differ per insurance policy.